主题 : Rise Against - Appeal To Reason [Rock][79M]
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Rise Against - Appeal To Reason [Rock][79M]

Rise Against - Appeal To Reason [Rock][79M]

专辑名称:Appeal To Reason
歌手姓名:Rise Against
唱片公司:DGC/Interscope Records
Chicago's Rise Against is anything but a single-minded musical outfit. An astounding fusion of unhinged power, ear grasping melodies, stimulating lyrics and the ability to reach audienced in both underground and mainstream circles, they have redefined the rules. To date, the band has released four albums plus a rare material EP, and a DVD called Generation Lost. Each of their past two albums have sold just shy of 1/2 million copies in the U.S. with each album garnering three full on Modern Rock radio hits. The first single is 'Reeducation (Through Labor)' hit radio airwaves in August 2008.
1. Collapse (Post-Amerika)
2. Long Forgotten Sons
3. Re-Education (Through Labor)
4. Dirt Whispered
5. Kotov Syndrome
6. From Heads Unworthy
7. Strength to Go On
8. Audience of One
9. Entertainment
10. Hero of War
11. Savior
12. Hairline Fracture
13. Whereabouts Unknown
[ 此贴被xiaoyu669在2008-10-04 22:04重新编辑 ]
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