- #Region AutoIt3Wrapper 预编译参数(常用参数)
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon= D:\Downloads\win7_icons\cool0 Icon 152.ico ;图标,支持EXE,DLL,ICO
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile= ;输出文件名
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_Type=exe ;文件类型
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 ;压缩等级
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUPX=y ;使用压缩
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment= SystemInfo Test By FengWuji ;注释
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=检测系统信息 ;详细信息
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion= 1.0.0 ;文件版本
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement=p ;自动更新版本
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright= 风无忌 ;版权
- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=N ;修改输出的程序为CUI(控制台程序)
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=AutoIt Version|%AutoItVer% ;自定义资源段
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy= ;脚本整理
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator= ;代码迷惑
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check= ;语法检查
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before= ;运行前
- ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After= ;运行后
- #EndRegion AutoIt3Wrapper 预编译参数(常用参数)
- #cs ____________________________________
- Au3 版本:
- 脚本作者: FengWuji
- Email: wzh880801@163.com
- QQ/TM: 545144121
- 脚本版本: 1.0.0
- 脚本功能: Systeminfo Test
- #ce _______________脚本开始_________________
- #include <ButtonConstants.au3>
- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
- #include <ProgressConstants.au3>
- #include <StaticConstants.au3>
- #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
- #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=g:\auouit 3\我写的程序\form7.kxf
- Global $StartIdle, $StartKernel, $StartUser
- Global $EndIdle, $EndKernel, $EndUser
- FileInstall("SkinCrafterDll.dll", @TempDir & "\SkinCrafterDll.dll", 1)
- FileInstall("vista_style.skf", @TempDir & "\vista_style.skf", 1)
- $Dll = DllOpen(@TempDir & "\SkinCrafterDll.dll")
- $Form1 = GUICreate("SystemInfo Test By FengWuji", 493, 442, -1, -1)
- DllCall($Dll, "int:cdecl", "InitLicenKeys", "wstr", "1", "wstr", "", "wstr", "1@1.com", "wstr", "1")
- DllCall($Dll, "int:cdecl", "InitDecoration", "int", 1)
- DllCall($Dll, "int:cdecl", "LoadSkinFromFile", "wstr", @TempDir & "\vista_style.skf")
- DllCall($Dll, "int:cdecl", "DecorateAs", "int", $Form1, "int", 25)
- DllCall($Dll, "int:cdecl", "ApplySkin")
- $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 160, 8, 196, 17)
- $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("操作系统信息", 24, 32, 449, 121)
- $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("操作系统:", 48, 56, 55, 17)
- $Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 157, 56, 175, 17)
- $Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Service Pack:", 48, 84, 78, 17)
- $Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 157, 84, 116, 17)
- $Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("系统构架:", 48, 113, 55, 17)
- $Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("X86", 157, 113, 63, 17)
- GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
- $Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("当前用户信息", 24, 168, 449, 57)
- $Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("计算机名:", 40, 192, 55, 17)
- $Label9 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("登录用户名:", 248, 192, 67, 17)
- $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 109, 192, 90, 17)
- $Label11 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 332, 192, 100, 17)
- GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
- $Group3 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("其它信息", 24, 240, 449, 137)
- $Label12 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("屏幕分辨率:", 40, 264, 67, 17)
- $Label13 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 119, 264, 58, 17)
- $Label14 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("屏幕色深:", 40, 302, 55, 17)
- $Label15 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 120, 302, 44, 17)
- $Label16 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("屏幕刷新率:", 39, 340, 67, 17)
- $Label17 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 120, 340, 56, 17)
- $Group4 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("内存信息", 200, 256, 265, 105)
- $Label18 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("内存使用率:", 208, 275, 67, 17)
- $Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(303, 272, 113, 17)
- GUICtrlSetData(-1, 80)
- $Label19 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("CPU使用率:", 208, 301, 91, 17)
- $Progress2 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(303, 299, 113, 17)
- GUICtrlSetData(-1, 50)
- $Label20 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("虚拟内存使用率:", 208, 328, 91, 17)
- $Progress3 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(303, 327, 113, 17)
- GUICtrlSetData(-1, 10)
- $Label21 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 425, 274, 24, 17)
- $Label22 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 425, 301, 24, 17)
- $Label23 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 425, 329, 24, 17)
- GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
- GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
- $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("确定(&O)", 128, 392, 89, 25)
- $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("取消(&E)", 265, 392, 89, 25)
- GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)
- #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
- Time()
- CheckOS()
- UserInfo()
- OtherInfo()
- MemInfo()
- _CRR_Main()
- AdlibRegister("time")
- AdlibRegister('MemInfo', 10)
- AdlibRegister('_TrayTooltip')
- While 1
- $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
- Switch $nMsg
- Exit
- Case $Button1, $Button2
- Exit
- EndSwitch
- WEnd
- ;时间函数
- Func Time()
- Local $wday
- Switch @WDAY
- Case 1
- $wday = "星期天"
- Case 2
- $wday = "星期一"
- Case 3
- $wday = "星期二"
- Case 4
- $wday = "星期三"
- Case 5
- $wday = "星期四"
- Case 6
- $wday = "星期五"
- Case 7
- $wday = "星期六"
- EndSwitch
- Local $time = @YEAR & "年" & @MON & "月" & @MDAY & "日" & " " & $wday & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC
- GUICtrlSetData($Label1, $time)
- EndFunc ;==>Time
- Func CheckOS()
- Local $Osversion = @OSVersion
- Switch $Osversion
- Case "WIN_2008R2"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows 2008R2")
- Case "WIN_7"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows 7")
- Case "WIN_2008"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows 2008")
- Case "WIN_VISTA"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows Vista")
- Case "WIN_2003"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows 2003")
- Case "WIN_XP"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows XP")
- Case "WIN_XPe"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows XPE")
- Case "WIN_2000"
- GUICtrlSetData($Label3, "Microsoft Windows 2000")
- EndSwitch
- GUICtrlSetData($Label5, @OSServicePack)
- GUICtrlSetData($Label7, @OSArch)
- EndFunc ;==>CheckOS
- Func UserInfo()
- GUICtrlSetData($Label10, @ComputerName)
- GUICtrlSetData($Label11, @UserName)
- EndFunc ;==>UserInfo
- Func OtherInfo()
- GUICtrlSetData($Label13, @DesktopWidth & "×" & @DesktopHeight)
- GUICtrlSetData($Label15, @DesktopDepth & " 位")
- GUICtrlSetData($Label17, @DesktopRefresh & " 赫兹")
- EndFunc ;==>OtherInfo
- Func MemInfo()
- Local $array = MemGetStats()
- GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, $array[0])
- GUICtrlSetData($Label21, $array[0] & '%')
- GUICtrlSetData($Progress3, Round(1 - $array[6] / $array[5], 1))
- GUICtrlSetData($Label23, Round(1 - $array[6] / $array[5], 1) & '%')
- EndFunc ;==>MemInfo
- Func _TrayTooltip()
- TraySetToolTip(GUICtrlRead($Label1) & @LF & " By 风无忌")
- EndFunc ;==>_TrayTooltip
- Func _CRR_Main()
- $IDLETIME = DllStructCreate("dword;dword")
- $KERNELTIME = DllStructCreate("dword;dword")
- $USERTIME = DllStructCreate("dword;dword")
- AdlibRegister("_TimerProc")
- EndFunc ;==>_CRR_Main
- Func _TimerProc()
- _GetSysTime($EndIdle, $EndKernel, $EndUser)
- _CPUCalc()
- _GetSysTime($StartIdle, $StartKernel, $StartUser)
- EndFunc ;==>_TimerProc
- Func _GetSysTime(ByRef $sIdle, ByRef $sKernel, ByRef $sUser)
- DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetSystemTimes", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($IDLETIME), _
- "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($KERNELTIME), _
- "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($USERTIME))
- $sIdle = DllStructGetData($IDLETIME, 1)
- $sKernel = DllStructGetData($KERNELTIME, 1)
- $sUser = DllStructGetData($USERTIME, 1)
- EndFunc ;==>_GetSysTime
- Func _CPUCalc()
- Local $iSystemTime, $iTotal, $iCalcIdle, $iCalcKernel, $iCalcUser
- $iCalcIdle = ($EndIdle - $StartIdle)
- $iCalcKernel = ($EndKernel - $StartKernel)
- $iCalcUser = ($EndUser - $StartUser)
- $iSystemTime = ($iCalcKernel + $iCalcUser)
- $iTotal = Int(($iSystemTime - $iCalcIdle) * (100 / $iSystemTime))
- Local $CPU = $iTotal
- If $CPU & "%" <> GUICtrlRead($Label22) And ($CPU >= 0 And $CPU <= 100) Then
- GUICtrlSetData($Progress2, $CPU)
- GUICtrlSetData($Label22, $CPU & "%")
- EndIf
- EndFunc ;==>_CPUCalc