主题 : 美女酒店豪华版-Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.19.9(更新破解版)
级别: 十方秋水

UID: 23
精华: 1
发帖: 261180
威望: 117194 点
无痕币: 2571 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 9394(时)
注册时间: 2007-11-24
最后登录: 2024-06-02

美女酒店豪华版-Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.19.9(更新破解版)

★ Check in to Hotel Dash Deluxe for action, mishaps and mayhem! With over 20 million downloads to date, Dash is one of the biggest gaming franchises ever on the iPhone and iPad.
★ Get the tropical Tiki Palace hotel for FREE in this special Deluxe edition of Hotel Dash.

Get ready for hotel hilarity as you renovate and run hotels all over DinerTown! Cater to a variety of quirky guests, including pet lovers, fashionistas and clowns. Tap and slide to drop off room service, provide extra blankets, and more! Prompt service will score you extra points, but delay too long and your guests may check out early. Use your hard-earned tips to decorate and restore each hotel back to its original charm. 

Make a reservation for fun with Hotel Dash Deluxe! 

Game Features:
* Manage hotel mayhem on your iPhone and iPad
* Play time management with a vertical twist!
* Renovate and run 5 themed hotels, including the FREE Tiki Palace
* Deck out your hotels with more than 60 decor upgrades
* Enjoy hours of fast-paced fun with tons of challenging levels
* Meet lovable customers, including pet lovers, businesswomen and fashionistas

Love the fast-paced fun of Hotel Dash? Try our other addictive games, including Diner Dash, DinerTown Zoo, Cooking Dash, and Wedding Dash. You’re guaranteed to see familiar faces you know and love.

版本 1.19.9 中的新功能 
Dash into fun with this update to Hotel Dash!
- We've fixed bugs and made performance improvements.

Love Hotel Dash? Don't forget to rate us in the App Store!

事能知足心常乐 人到无求品自高
级别: 无痕元老

UID: 8888
精华: 0
发帖: 222996
威望: 322874 点
无痕币: 53625 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 106780(时)
注册时间: 2008-10-18
最后登录: 2024-06-03

级别: 六行秋雁
UID: 115483
精华: 0
发帖: 1470
威望: 13720 点
无痕币: 8986 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 751(时)
注册时间: 2011-02-05
最后登录: 2018-05-16

级别: 十方秋水

UID: 26730
精华: 0
发帖: 64722
威望: 148036 点
无痕币: 183 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 11530(时)
注册时间: 2008-05-03
最后登录: 2018-05-16

*瞄准方向 努力向前*
级别: 论坛版主

UID: 46455
精华: 0
发帖: 31105
威望: 112552 点
无痕币: 22535 WHB
贡献值: 117 点
在线时间: 17004(时)
注册时间: 2008-07-21
最后登录: 2021-04-12

级别: 十方秋水

UID: 23
精华: 1
发帖: 261180
威望: 117194 点
无痕币: 2571 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 9394(时)
注册时间: 2007-11-24
最后登录: 2024-06-02

事能知足心常乐 人到无求品自高
千山同一月 万户尽皆春 千江有水千江月 万里无云万里天
级别: 总版主

UID: 998
精华: 0
发帖: 605080
威望: 530158 点
无痕币: 15 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 62886(时)
注册时间: 2008-12-25
最后登录: 2024-06-03

级别: 九滴秋露

UID: 25831
精华: 0
发帖: 60214
威望: 64781 点
无痕币: 19 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 3525(时)
注册时间: 2008-05-01
最后登录: 2023-09-01

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