主题 : [转] Windows 8 build 6.2.8011.0.winmain.110520-1745 种子下载
但求灵台存净土 何惧此身有尘埃
级别: 六行秋雁
UID: 103438
精华: 0
发帖: 788
威望: 9840 点
无痕币: 206 WHB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 233(时)
注册时间: 2010-09-23
最后登录: 2020-09-29

0 [转] Windows 8 build 6.2.8011.0.winmain.110520-1745 种子下载

Windows 8 build 6.2.8011.0.winmain.110520-1745

Microsoft Windows 8 (''Windows 8'' 6.2.8011.0) (Ultimate) (M3)
ISO Size: 3.7GB (3,884,079,296 bytes)
ISO MD5: 40861A02CB14B0D2D7930910DB6CC6E4

    Private Client:    Use TorrentPrivacy software for anonymous torrent downloads
    Size:    3793 MB
    Seeds/Leechs:    2/170
    Added:    05/24/2011
    Last check:    2011-05-24 16:50:49
    Hash:    877e559cf5ba3bd22238cb8212b381bc31f58e17

Ribbon UI
Application Folder (now working, in 7850 it was broken)
Full DWM (hideblur)

下面四项需要使用 ''red pill''进行文件替换
- Webcam
- Login (that ugly guy with ctrl+alt+del, the fishy wallpaper, pattern login)
- TaskUI (new taskmanager)
- PDF Reader
- Immersive Browser

8011版 本人未作验证,网速快的同学,下完验证报告下结果

   Windows_8_build_6.2.8011.0.winmain.110520-1745.torrent (20 K) 下载次数:134   
但求灵台存净土 何惧些身有尘埃
Total 0.075509(s) query 3, Time now is:06-02 07:15, Gzip enabled 粤ICP备07514325号-1
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