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笨笨鸟 2009-11-02 12:55

歌唱艺人:Sting |专辑名称: If On A Winter's Night|发行日期:2009年10月27日
音乐格式:MP3 |音乐品质: 320 Kbps | Time: 00:50:24 |文件大小: 102.10 Mb
音乐风格: Pop / Rock | 发行公司:Deutsche Grammophon


  If on a Winter's Night presents an arc of songs that conjure the season of spirits, the eerie silences of the snow; days of solitude and reflection for some, a time of re-birth and celebration for many. With traditional music of the British Isles as their starting point, Sting and his guest musicians draw the listener in through a collection of songs, carols, and lullabies spanning the centuries - such as The Snow it Melts the Soonest (traditional Newcastle ballad), Soul Cake (traditional English "begging" song) Gabriel's Message (14th century carol), as well as two of Sting's own compositions - Lullaby for an Anxious Child and The Hounds of Winter. Also featured on the album is Hurdy Gurdy Man - a musical reworking and English translation (by Sting) of Der Leiermann from Schubert's classic winter song-cycle Winterreise. For this exploration of the themes and emotions of winter Sting is joined by friend and long time colleague, guitarist Dominic Miller - and an ensemble of three remarkable musicians from Northern England and Scotland: Kathryn Tickell (fiddle and Northumbrian pipes) Julian Sutton (melodian) and Mary MacMaster (metal string Scottish harp). Additional guest artists include Vincent Segal (cello), Daniel Hope (violin), Chris Botti (trumpet), Ibrahim Maalouf (trumpet), Stile Antico (vocal ensemble), Cyro Baptista (percussion), Bijan Chemirani (percussion) and the Webb Sisters (vocals). Together they've created an album with a wonderful, warm, and unique ensemble sound - an acoustic meditation on winter.

警察合唱团 The Police主唱史汀 Sting在 6月 17日宣布,他的个人新专辑 "If On A Winter's Night..."将以双 CD的型式交由古典音乐龙头唱片公司 Deutsche Grammophon于 10月 27日发行。
新专辑将与曾经因为制作 Herbie Hancock的 "Gershwin's World"而获得葛莱美奖肯定的 Robert Sadin,以及长期为 Sting伴奏的吉他手 Dominic Miller合作,曲风将重现英国 14世纪的传统音乐。。
据了解,冬天是Sting最喜欢的季节,除了两首原创的新歌之外,这张《If On a Winter's Night..。》中还收录了一些英国的传统民歌、圣诞颂歌和摇篮曲。“关于冬天这个主题我有很丰富的灵感和材料,把这些风格各异的歌曲融合到一张专辑中,我希望我们能带给大家一些有新鲜感的东西。”

  在这张《If On a Winter's Night…》当中,与Sting合作的制作人是曾制作了爵士乐大师赫比-汉考克(Herbie Hancock)格莱美获奖作品《Gershwin's World》的罗伯特-萨丁(Robert Sadin),此外,包括吉他手多米尼克-米勒(Dominic Miller)在内的几位与Sting合作已久的音乐人也都出现在这张专辑当中。由Sting全新创作的两首歌曲叫作《Lullaby for an Anxious Child》和《The Hounds of Winter》,被重新演绎的传统歌曲包括纽卡斯尔民歌《The Snow It Melts the Soonest》、英国“乞讨之歌”《A Soalin》以及一首14世纪的颂歌《Gabriel's Message》。


01 - Gabriel’s Message
02 - Soul Cake
03 - There Is No Rose Of Such Virtue
04 - The Snow It Melts The Soonest
05 - Christmas At Sea
06 - Lo How A Rose E’er Blooming
07 - Cold Song
08 - The Burning Babe
09 - Now Winter Comes Slowly
10 - The Hounds Of Winter
11 - Balulalow
12 - Cherry Tree Carol
13 - Lullaby For An Anxious Child
14 - The Hurdy-Gurdy Man
15 - You Only Cross My Mind In Winter


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