主题 : 发行版发布:Zenwalk Live 6.0
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UID: 76075
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0 发行版发布:Zenwalk Live 6.0


Pierrick Le Brun has announced the release of Zenwalk Live 6.0, a live CD edition of the popular Slackware-based distribution: "ZenwalkLive 6.0, the latest Zenwalk in a live CD format, is ready! Based onZenwalk's current repository, Zenwalk live 6.0 is an almost perfectclone of the latest Zenwalk 6.0 with the addition of the latestsecurity patches and bug fixes. Zenwalk Live 6.0 uses version 6.2.9 ofthe Linux-Live scripts and its kernel is patched with Aufs,Squashfs and LZMA with sqlzma. Our native utilities, LiloFix andLiveClone, have been entirely rewritten in Glade/Python and newfunctionalities have been added to LiveClone. If you've just recentlymigrated to Linux, a beginner's guide will assist and guide you throughall the basics." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: zenwalk-live-6.0.iso (686MB, MD5).
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