主题 : Chris Kirkpatrick---I will
级别: 管理员

UID: 888
精华: 1
发帖: 8567
威望: 58411 点
无痕币: 28511 WHB
贡献值: 1 点
在线时间: 3958(时)
注册时间: 2007-11-26
最后登录: 2024-04-13

Chris Kirkpatrick---I will

When life seems hopeless and you’re all alone                      
And no one’s there to dry the tear drops from your eyes      
When you can’t find a single reason left to try                        
Baby I will                                                                        
Baby I will ...........
Tell me the secrets that you’ve locked away                        
Confide your deepest fears that haunt you everyday              
All of the little things nobody else could understand              
Baby I will (Baby I will)                                                      
I will                  ........
It’s alright  
I’ll be there                                                                        
Count on me  
Anytime anywhere    
I’ll show you love    
’Till the end of my life    
When no one else will stand by your side    
I will    
When all you’ve counted on comes tumbling down  
And there’s only emptiness that nothing seems to fill  
And when you can’t remember how to be strong  
Baby I will (Baby I will)  
I will  
It’s alright  
I’ll be there  
Count on me  
Anytime anywhere  
I’ll show you love  
’Till the end of my life  
When no one else will stand by your side  
I will  
When no one else will stand by your side  
I will  
It’s alright  
I’ll be there  
Count on me  
Anytime anywhere  
I’ll show you love  
’Till the end of my life  
When no one else will stand by your side  
I’ll be standing right by your side  
I will  


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