主题 : BitComet 1.04
级别: 荣誉管理员

UID: 62
精华: 0
发帖: 3364
威望: 11827 点
无痕币: 11755 WHB
贡献值: 19 点
在线时间: 5588(时)
注册时间: 2007-11-27
最后登录: 2024-04-16

0 BitComet 1.04

BitComet(比特彗星)是一个完全免费的BitTorrent(BT)下载管理软件,也称BT下载客户端,同时也是一个集BT/HTTP /FTP为 一体的下载管理器。BitComet(比特彗星)拥有多项领先的BT下载技术,有边下载边播放的独有技术,也有方便自然的使用界面。最新版又将BT技术应 用到了普通的HTTP/FTP下载,可以通过BT技术加速您的普通下载。

GUI Improved: "my shared torrent list" turns into "torrent archive". all downloaded torrent files will be saved there.
GUI Improved: add filter edit box to torrent archive list.
GUI Improved: remove deleted task list. when delete BT task, its torrent file can be kept in torrent archive
GUI Improved: new option: clear peer sharing torrent list when program exits. enabled by default.
GUI Improved: new option: standby, hibernate, restart or shutdown computer when all task downloaded and stopped
GUI Improved: new command in Tools menu: check for BitComet updates
GUI Improved: improve Long-Time Seeding download rate display in peer list
GUI Improved: displays play button in task list after download audio file, like mp3, wma
GUI Bugfix: open file from file list will fail, after rename BT task and restart BitComet
GUI Bugfix: when make torrent file in v1.03, files in sub-directories will not be added into torrent
GUI Bugfix: when main window is not wide enough, the search box in toolbar will display in invalid position
GUI Bugfix: total downloaded/uploaded bytes in statistics list will be clear in some situation since v1.02
Core Improved: all opened torrent files will be saved to archive folder


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