主题 : Windows 7 没有新内核 vista改良版?
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0 Windows 7 没有新内核 vista改良版?

管理提醒: 本帖被 都市小星星 从 『WINDOWS 7 专区』 移动到本区(2009-04-16)
        打破沉默:windows 7没有新内核!
        微软最近对Windows 7的评论逐渐多了起来,今天官方Windows Vista Team Blog又爆出消息:Windows 7 没有开发新内核的计划.
之前的传闻一直在声称下一代Windows内核叫“Minwin”,并称其非常短小和高效,但微软官方却表示,他们并不会对Windows 7重新开发一个新的内核,而将继续从Windows Vista的基础上进行改进和优化,这意味着Windows 7将继续对之前的程序和设备保持兼容性,也不会对之前的基础用户体验做出太大变动.

秋无痕论坛提供原文如下:Windows Vista established a very solid foundation, particularly on subsystems such as graphics, audio, and storage. Windows Server 2008 was built on that foundation and Windows 7 will be as well. Contrary to some speculation, Microsoft is not creating a new kernel for Windows 7.

Rather, we are refining the kernel architecture and componentization model introduced in Windows Vista. 

While these changes will increase our engineering agility, they will not impact the user experience or reduce application or hardware compatibility. In fact, one of our design goals for Windows 7 is that it will run on the recommended hardware we specified for Windows Vista and that the applications and devices that work with Windows Vista will be compatible with Windows 7.
[ 此贴被失去紫的蓝在2008-07-05 21:24重新编辑 ]
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