级别: 六行秋雁
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BY vienna tang

it's desert ice outside 外面依然是荒芜的冰天雪地
but this diner has thawed my ears 眼前的晚餐却温暖了我冻僵的耳朵
hot coffee in a clean white mug 浓郁的热咖啡,白色的干净杯子
and a smile when the waitress hears
that I was born in North Carolina
not an hour from her home town 还有女侍者得知我来自北卡罗尼那时的轻柔微笑
and we used to play the same pizza parlor pinball 那时离她家只有不到一小时的车程
and there's a glance in time suspended 时光有了刹那的停顿
as I wonder how it is  就在我思考着是否由于环境的不同
we've been swept up just by circumstance 多年我的人生走向了通往成功的高速路
to where the coyote lives
where my days are strips of highway 而她却只能做些擦桌子之类的工作
and she's wiping tables down
holding on and still waiting for that windfall 并期待着偶尔意外的小惊喜

but I've come home 但是我终于回到家乡
even though I've never had so far to go  仿佛我从不曾远离
I've come home
I pay the check and leave the change
from a crumpled ten-dollar bill 我用一张皱皱的十元付了账,留下了零钱
head across the street 顶风穿过了街巷
where vacancy is burning in neon still 空虚仿佛在昏黄的路灯下燃烧
well the night eats up my body heat 当夜晚来临吞没了我的身心
and there's no sign of another 我发现自己已经孑然一身
and I find myself slipping down into that black 已经融入了无边的黑暗
but things are good
I've got a lot of followers of my faith 但是我有自己的信仰和众多的追随者
I've got a whole congregation
living in my head these days 这些天我总是觉得有一教堂的人在我面前
and I'm preaching from the pulpit 而我对着他们演讲
to cries of “Amen brother”喊道:阿门,我的兄弟
closing my eyes to feel the warmth come back 然后闭上眼感受温暖的包围

and I've come home 我回到了家乡
even though I swear I've never been so alone 仿佛从不曾孤独
I've come home
I just want to be living as I'm dying 我只希望能像即将死去那样活着
just like everybody here 就像这里的每个人一样
just want to know 只想证明
my little flicker of time is worthwhile 自己有限的生命过得有价值
and I don't know where I'm driving to 我不知道路在何方
but I know I'm getting old 但我知道我正在老去
and there's a blessing in every moment every mile 而旅途中的每分钟都充满祈祷和祝福

thin white terry bars of soap 薄薄的白色毛巾和几块香皂
and a couple little plastic cups 一对塑料杯
old Gideons Bible 古旧的圣经
in the nightstand drawer saying “Go on open up” 抽屉说:打开它吧

well I'll kneel down on the carpet here 我会跪在地毯上祈祷
though I never was sure of God 虽然我从不相信上帝的存在
think tonight I'll give Him
the benefit of the doubt 想着是否应该对他留点悬念

I switch off the lights and imagine我关掉床头灯在黑暗中想像
that waitress outlined in the bed 那个女侍者仿佛就在床头
her hair falling all around me 她的黑发散在我身旁
I smile and shake my head 我不禁微笑摇头
well we all write our own endings 我们最终会写下各自的结局
and we all have our own scars 也会在心里留下各自的创伤
but tonight I think I see what it's all about 但至少今晚我明白了很多
because I've come home 因为我回到了家乡

[ 此帖被yu_fei_527在2011-03-28 11:51重新编辑 ]
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