主题 : 单曲-x-perience-Am I Right -MP3
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UID: 4241
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单曲-x-perience-Am I Right -MP3

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http://bbs.realqwh.cn/read.php?tid=15660&fpage=2 (2008-05-08 00:51)

Am I right
Am I wrong
Am I weak or strong
Can't you see I am burning alive
Hold me tight trough the night
And I feel alright
And I know I am right

You came to me and I turned to you
You spoke to me like a man should do
I caught a glance of a burning eye
And I knew that my dreams will come true

Am I right
Am I wrong
Am I weak or strong
Can't you see I am burning alive
Hold me tight trough the night
And I feel alright
And I know I am right

I met you once when the sun came up
The road to nowhere
When I had a rest
I met you once where the river flows
From the hills of the east to the west

Am I right
Am I wrong
Am I weak or strong
Can't you see I am burning alive
Hold me tight trough the night
And I feel alright
Oh, I know I am right

Am I right
Am I wrong
Am I weak or strong
Can't you see I am burning alive
Hold me tight trough the night
And I feel alright
Oh, I know I am right
Am I right
Am I wrong
Am I weak or strong
Can't you see I am burning alive
Hold me tight trough the night
And I feel alright
Oh, I know I am right
I know I am right

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[ 此贴被jackamani在2008-05-08 08:10重新编辑 ]
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