主题 : 原声大碟 -《迪斯尼卖座合辑》(Disney Box Office Hits)[MP3]
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UID: 7328
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原声大碟 -《迪斯尼卖座合辑》(Disney Box Office Hits)[MP3]

专辑中文名: 迪斯尼卖座合辑
专辑英文名: Disney Box Office Hits
艺术家: 原声大碟资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2008年11月24日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语,法语


  话不絮烦,且依次看看收录的音乐出自什么电影:《魔法奇缘》(Enchanted,2007)、《瓦利》(Wall-E,2008)、《汽车总动员》(Cars,2006)、《拜见罗宾逊一家》(Meet the Robinsons,2007)、《纳尼亚传奇二:凯斯宾王子》(Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,2008)、《公主日记二:皇室婚约》(Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement,2004)、《纳尼亚传奇一:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》(Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian,2005)、《闪电犬》(Bolt,2008)、《四眼天鸡》(Chicken Little,2005)、《料理鼠王》(Ratatouille,2007)、《加勒比海盗》(Pirates of the Caribbean,2003)、《超人特工队》(the Incredibles,2004)。
  从所选曲目可以看出这张今年发行的专辑算是很“时髦”的,没有了悠久如《白雪公主》(Snow White)、《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)的音乐;取而代之的是一首首热力四射的“潮”曲,同时也有像第十三曲Le Festin那样温情款款的呢哝小调。选曲在气氛的平衡上是很不错的


1. Ever Ever After [From Enchanted]
2. Down to Earth [from Wall E]
3. Real Gone [from Cars]
4. Little Wonders [from Meet the Robinsons]
5. This Is Home [from the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian]
6. Breakaway [From the Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement]
7. Can't Take It In [from the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe]
8. I Thought I Lost You [from Bolt]
9. Our Town [from Cars]
10. All I Know [From Chicken Little]
11. The Call [from the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian]
12. Where Is Your Heart At? [from Meet the Robinsons]
13. Le Festin [from Ratatouille]
14. Jack's Suite [Paul Okenfold Mix][From Pirates of the Caribbean]
15. Unkle Reconstruction [Incredibles Remix][From the Incredibles]


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